BGS Networking Day | Connecting Industries

Be part of our first customer event, the BGS Networking Day, on November 16, 2023. We look forward to seeing you!

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BGS Networking Day | Connecting Industries

The BGS Beta-Gamma-Service team cordially invites you to the first BGS Networking Day on November 16, 2023 at the company headquarters in Wiehl!

Change is inevitable, especially in an increasingly agile world. But how can companies and managers use these changes as an opportunity and succeed? Under the motto "Change as an opportunity: How do companies survive in an agile world?", we want to enter into a dialog on this with you, our customers.

Be part of this inspiring day full of networking and impulse discussions! Meet decision makers from various industries, expand your network and exchange ideas about proven strategies and innovative solutions in an exclusive setting. We look forward to discussing and developing new perspectives together with you in order to be best positioned for future challenges. The framework is provided by small groups where you can exchange ideas with other executives and expand your networks.

Secure your place today and register for this exciting event including an evening program. We look forward to welcoming you in Wiehl and discussing the opportunities of change together!

Networking, exchange and impulse discussions

Exclusive and transnational

Be part of an exclusive circle of national and international executives from leading industrial companies.

Different topics

Discuss various current topics in several rounds, rooms and constellations, e.g. the design of more resilient supply chains or changing working conditions in manufacturing companies.

Pleasant networking ambience

Enjoy a relaxed evening with a joint dinner and take the opportunity to make new contacts and deepen the conversations from the afternoon.


These highlights await you

Inspiring keynote speech

In today's fast-paced and unpredictable world, dealing with uncertainties is a crucial skill for any leader. And who better to speak on this topic than Nicola Winter, former fighter pilot and reserve astronaut? Drawing on her experiences in the military and in space exploration, Nicola Winter shares valuable insights on how to respond to the unexpected and get back ahead of the curve. A perfect opportunity to learn from a true hero and leader who pushes boundaries in her field.

Photo © Carsten Arnold

High-level discussion forums

In our face-to-face discussion sessions, moderated by our experts and leaders, we create a special opportunity to share momentum in a confidential setting. In the 30-minute sessions, you can share your thoughts and positions and benefit from the experiences and insights of other decision-makers. Immerse yourself in a variety of discussion topics from which you are guaranteed to gain valuable insights. We look forward to the exchange with you!

Guided production tours

Six production halls on around 10,000m²: We take you behind the scenes at our headquarters in Wiehl! In our guided tours you will get exclusive insights into the production processes as well as the logistics and see our four electron accelerators and the cobalt-60 gamma facility. Be there and take the chance to experience our technology up close.

Photo © Markus Steur

"With the BGS Networking Day, we are creating an exclusive space for networking, exchange and discussion on current challenges under the motto "Change as an opportunity". Let's explore together the possibilities that change offers us and develop ideas to use it as an opportunity."
Dr. Andreas Ostrowicki (Managing Director)


Program points

from 1:30 pmAdmission
2:30 pmOfficial welcome
2:40 pmKeynote speech Nicola Winter
Breaking Barriers and Building Resilience: Insights from a Fighter Pilot for Rapid Decision-Making in the High-Stakes World of Science and Technology
3:40 pmCoffee break
4:10 - 6:25 pmImpulse discussions and production tours
Various impulse discussions offer the opportunity for exchange in small groups. The sessions are limited to 30 minutes each and are offered four times in total. This gives you the opportunity to participate in four different sessions. We have prepared three topic ideas, two topics will be created by the participants on the day of the event. In addition to the discussions, there will be a chance to take part in a guided production tour.

Supply chains: How can supply chains be made more resilient?

Join us to discuss how to deal with changing supply chains and how to create stable supply chains in the long term. What measures and strategies are required to be able to react flexibly to unforeseeable events and disruptions? What steps need to be taken to minimize dependencies within supply chains? What is the role of collaboration between companies, suppliers and other supply chain actors in designing resilient structures? Contribute your experiences and perspectives and let's develop ideas for more resilient supply chains together.

How can companies respond to changing working conditions?

In an era of permanent change and uncertainty, organizations face major challenges. Which leadership competencies are required to guide teams safely through these turbulent times? Which work models fit this new environment? What transition will result from the advent and further development of artificial intelligence (AI) in companies? Together, we'll explore key aspects to design resilient organizations that best address constant change and uncertainty.

Disruption vs. regulation: Can innovation be imposed by the state?

Share your views on how companies can respond agilely to unforeseen disruptions and still remain successful. How can collaboration between companies, research institutions, government and regulators be improved to drive innovative solutions faster and overcome bureaucratic hurdles? What best practices and experiences already exist in terms of successful innovation in regulated industries and how can they be transferred to other areas?

Open - arises from the auditorium

Contribute your idea for a discussion topic! We are curious to see what topics are on your mind.

Open - arises from the auditorium

Contribute your idea for a discussion topic! We are curious to see what topics are on your mind.

Guided production tour

Join us behind the scenes at our headquarters in Wiehl! On our guided tours, you will gain exciting insights into our production and logistics processes. In addition, you can experience our four electron accelerators and the cobalt-60 gamma facility in operation. Take this opportunity and get to know our fascinating technology.
6:30 pmWrap-up & get together
followed by Networking dinner
approx. 9:00 pmClosing and good-bye

Networking dinner for an atmospheric finale

The Networking dinner offers you a relaxed atmosphere to deepen your conversations from the afternoon and to share your impressions of the event. End the day with a good glass of wine and a delicious dinner in pleasant company and take the opportunity to make new contacts or deepen existing relationships.

The Duo Eschhausen will provide musical background accompaniment.

Arrival and parking

We recommend arriving by car. The address is:
Fritz-Kotz-Strasse 12, 51674 Wiehl
There are sufficient parking spaces available as well as four e-charging stations.


  • Leave the freeway A 4 (direction Köln/Olpe) at the exit "Gummersbach".
  • Drive in the direction of Wiehl.
  • After approx. 400 m, turn left at the traffic lights in the direction of "Industriegebiet Bomig".
  • The third and fourth side street on the right is Fritz-Kotz-Strasse.
  • Ideally, use the fourth side street. You will reach the entrance to the administration building after approx. 200 m on the right side.

Click here for Google Maps.

Places to stay in the area

For our BGS Networking Day, we have optioned a limited number of rooms in two partner hotels for you for the day of the event. If you are interested in an overnight stay, please contact the respective hotel. The invoice will be issued individually to the respective hotel guest of the room. Of course, there is no obligation to rent rooms in these hotels.

Parkhotel Nümbrecht

Parkhotel Nümbrecht
Parkstrasse 3
51588 Nümbrecht
Phone: +49 (0) 22 93 / 303-0

Contact the hotel directly with the keyword "BGS" by 09 October 2023 and book a double room for single use incl. breakfast at the price of EUR 120.00. The use of swimming pool, sauna and gym is included in the price.

Hotel & Restaurant "Die Mühlenhelle"

Die Mühlenhelle
Hohler Strasse 1
51645 Gummersbach
Tel: +49 (0) 2261 / 290000

Contact the hotel directly with the keyword "BGS" by 01 November 2023 and book a single room incl. breakfast at the price of EUR 115.00. The use of the fitness room is included in the price.

Will you participate?

Register today for this exclusive presence event with an atmospheric finale in the evening. We look forward to welcoming you!


Do you have any questions? Send us a message at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.